Tem - Tech Auto Gauge
Used Framing Equipment: Mat Cutters, Moulding Cutting & Joining Equipment, Mounting Presses, Hand Tools
We buy & sell pre-owned picture framing equipment. We also help you to sell your used framing equipment, and help you save on equipment that you may need. All Items are sold "As Is". Although we strive to obtain the best information from the seller, AIM is not responsible for inaccuracies provided to us by seller. It is the responsibility of the buyer to crosscheck information with seller or manufacturer regarding descriptions that appear in this catalog.
Do you have Questions? Feel free to call our office at 330-405-9421, M-F, 10AM-5PM EST or Email us at info@skylinepictures.com
Section 2: Frame Moulding Cutting & Joining Equipment
NFE-77c Tem-Tech PowerStop - Automatic Measuring Table
Tem Tech is proud to introduce the new positioning system and automatic stop for miter saws, chop saws & knife choppers. The table is adjustable for the machine height and replaces existing manual or automatic systems currently on your existing machines. This system integrates the measuring of the rabbet on your framing stock or the ability to plug in a measurement for the rabbet. The user interface is an Androidâ„¢ pad with touch screen inputs for ease of operation.
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Produced By: A.I.M. Enterprises, Inc.
phone: 330-405-9421
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Tem Tech Power Stop Automatic Measuring Table, TigerStop SawGear Computerized Automated Double Compound Saw Stops, Saw Gear TigerStop Gauge Spare Parts, RazorGage Spare Parts Blades Tools, Hansen Morso Jyden Chopper, Pre-Owned for Frame Shops Art Galleries, Framing Tools, Buy Used Framing Frame Shop Equipment Store, Selling Sell Your Framing Equipment, Buy Used Framing Equipment, Discount Framing Equipment, AIM Enterprises Inc Dealer Distributor Supplier of Used Framing Equipment