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Framing Tools and Hanging Hardware

Section 5: Framing Tools
and Hardware
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Kool Tack Maxim Blue Wood Glue
Greatest white glue on the planet, formulated specially for wood products
to bond as solid as a rock. One-minute bond time, sets up in 15 minutes,
cures in 3 hours, dries clear, water cleanup. This glue was formulated to
bond large picture frame corners without using nails.
Max Blue-4oz. 12 - 4oz/ case Maxim Blue Glue
Max Blue-16oz. 12 - 16oz/case Maxim Blue Glue
Max Blue-64oz. 8- 64oz./case Maxim Blue Glue
Max Blue-128oz. 4 - gal. / case Maxim Blue Glue
Shipping is not the $6.50 default on
the order page. Please call for shipping quote.
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Kool Tack Maxim Raven Wood Glue
Fill and bond corners at the same time. Sets up in 5 minutes with a
working bond in 15 minutes.Goes on Grey then dries to a rich black finish.
Makes a solid black corner without any filling.
Just glue and wipe clean while still wet
Max Raven-4oz. 12- 4oz/ case Maxim Raven Black glue
Max Raven-16oz. 12- 16oz./case Maxim Raven Black glue
New Max Raven-64oz. 8- 64oz./case Maxim Raven Black glue
Max Raven-128oz. 4-128oz./case Maxim Raven Black glue
Shipping is not the $6.50 default on
the order page. Please call for shipping quote.
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Kool Tack Maxim
Dust Cover Adhesive
An economical alternative to ATG tape . One
4.5 oz bottle will do as many frames as 48 36 yd. rolls of ATG.
Works on any type of wood or plastic surface. Dries clear, water clean up while
glue is still wet. Dries tacky. Can be reactivated by simply applying water or
DC 4 4.5 oz. 12 - 4.5/ case Dust Cover Adhesive
DC 16 16 oz. 12 - 16/ case Dust Cover Adhesive
DC 64 64 oz. 8 - 64/ case Dust Cover Adhesive
DC 128 128 oz. 4 -128/ case Dust Cover Adhesive
Shipping is not the $6.50 default on
the order page. Please call for shipping quote.
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Kool Tack Maxim
Fabric Mount Adhesive
FG 4 4.5 oz. 12 - 4.5/ case Fabric Mount Adhesive
FG 16 16 oz. 12 - 16/ case Fabric Mount Adhesive
FG 64 64 oz. 8 - 64/ case Fabric Mount Adhesive
FG 128 128 oz. 4 - 128/ case Fabric Mount Adhesive
Shipping is not the $6.50 default on
the order page. Please call for shipping quote.
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Kool Tack Maxim
Ultra Lite Glass and Plastic Cleaner
Cleans ALL types of glass and plastic, including Museum GlassŪ. Specially
formulated to clean all specialty-coated glass and plastic as easily as
cleaning regular glass. Makes mirrors sparkle. No alcohol! No ammonia!
UL-8 12 - 8oz bottles / case Ultra Lite Glass Concentrate (makes
1 gallon)
UL-4 12 - 4.5 oz. Spray bottles Ultra Lite Premixed
UL-SP 12 - 16 oz. Spray bottles Ultra Lite Premixed
Shipping is not the $6.50 default on
the order page. Please call for shipping quote.
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Tee Screws for Security System
Comes in pack of 100
Shipping is not the $6.50 default on
the order page. Please call for shipping quote.
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Produced By: A.I.M. Enterprises, Inc.
phone: 330-405-9421
(c) Copyright 2018 All rights in all media reserved.
Kool Tack Maxim Ultra Lite Glass and Plastic Cleaner, Kool Tack Maxim Fabric Mount Adhesive Glue, Dust Cover Adhesive Glue, Kool Tack Maxim Blue Wood Glue, Mitre Mite ITW AMP Point Stapler Driver Tab Points Flexible Rigid, Mitre Mite ITW AMP Touch Glue System, Mitre Mite ITW AMP Automatic Tab Point Driver Stapler, Inmes INMES Rigid Points, Rigid Hard Point Driver, Inmes INMES Flex Flexi Points SS, Inmes INMES Flex Flexi Points, Flexi Point Driver, New Inmes RI-160 M Rigid Point Driver, New Inmes FP-150 Flexi Point Driver, New Inmes FI-150 M Flexi Point Driver, Rigid Points, Flexi Points, Inmes Products, New Original Morso Brand Chopper Replacement Blade Knifes, Picture Framing Tools and Hanging Hardware Supplies, Adhesive, Corrugated Corners, Asian Plastibond Moulding Glue, Security Hardware, Frameloc Security System Frameware Inc