Used Framing Equipment: Mat
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Framing Equipment page

Section 2: Frame Moulding
Cutting, Joining Equipment, Miter Saws (Note:
newest listings appear on latter pages)
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Cassese CS939 Double Miter
Saw + Auto Quickstop + Bar Code System
This saw is in Very Good
Condition; comes with in-feed/out-feed arms & extra blades
This units is about 6 years
.From Manufacturer's /
Distributor's Website:
Can cut
up to 5" wide mouldings
up to 350 to 450 chops/hour can be cut
Machine Demo:
QuickStop Features
- User-friendly touch
screen keypad
- Numeric stop (goes
to requested size automatically
- Stores up to 800
articles that are either profiles or finished products (i.e., a specific
frame with its profile, specs & dimension of frame)
- Memorizes up to 80
standard frame sizes
- Can work at any
time with inside or outside dimensions or can be "locked" to use inside
dimensions only to avoid operator mistakes
- Easily change from
long to short frame dimension
- Re-settable counter
counts cuts
- Simple
user-friendly touch screen keypad can communicate in several languages
This item can be picked up in
Illinois or shipped for an additional fee by
a freight company. Shipping is not the $6.50 default on the order page.
Sold 10-15-10 Return Home

+ List Price
*** Price Reduction
Item # UFE-1147 $
Image |
ITW AMP VN4+MP Programmable
Electronic Production V-Nail Frame Assembly Machine
This unit is in Good
Working Condition.
Weight: 275 lbs.
This item can be picked up in
Illinois or shipped for an additional fee by
a freight company. Shipping is not the $6.50 default on the order page.
$4,750 / 11-11-10 $3,500
Sold 1-25-11 Return Home

*** Price Reduction
Item # UFE-1148 $ 3,500
Image |
Step-Master from
MiterNailer Programmable Nailer
Pneumatic Production Frame
Assembly Machine
This unit is in Good
Working Condition.
Manufactured: About 2004
From Manufacturer's
The Stepmaster® from
MitreNailer offers unmatched versatility in frame manufacturing. It joins
flat and uneven back mouldings - automatically!
Driving fasteners in the
recesses is a simple operation, and the Stepmaster® can drive 1 to 6
fasteners per corner - stacking in either position as required! With the
Multi-Shooter option, fasteners can be driven in up to 5 positions.
Micro-Corrugated or "V" fasteners used with the Stepmaster® produce Strong
Tight Corners of matchless strength!
MitreNailer fasteners used with the Stepmaster® means secondary finishing
operations are unneccesary.
One-step assembly
eliminates kerfing, slotting and putty, and results in high production rates
exceeding 2000 frames per shift. Computer controlled: The Stepmaster®
control panel combines easy access for the operator and simplicity of us
Manufacturer's Website:
This item can be picked up in
Illinois or shipped for an additional fee by
a freight company. Shipping is not the $6.50 default on the order page.
NICK-IL-9-2-10 $4675
/ 11-11-10 $3500
Sold 1-25-11 Return Home
Dehnco Automatic 60" Sheeter / Feeder
& Cutter System
Art Canvas Production 60" Cutter
This unit is in Good
Working Condition.
Manufactured: About 2004
From Manufacturer's
Typical Application:
Dehnco Sheeters store, feed and cut roll
materials into sheets automatically. Eliminate inefficient manual converting
The sheeter will can be configured to
produce batches of sheets to a preset length. Sheets are typically accurate
to +/- ¼-inch in length. Other preset combinations are also available.
(Control Modules)
The system feeds material up to 30-inches
per second. The unique flying cutting system cuts the material cleanly in
both directions.
Manufacturer's Website:
This item can be picked up in
Illinois or shipped for an additional fee by
a freight company. Shipping is not the $6.50 default on the order page.
Sold 10-15-10 Return Home
Champion Advantage VR5-8
5HP / 80 Gallon Commercial
Grade Air Compressor
This unit is in Very Good
Working Condition.
Manufactured: About 2006
From Manufacturer's
Standard Equipment Features
Note: Photo appearing to left is also from manufacturer's website.
Waiting for actual photo of compressor for sale.
- Heavy Duty Two Stage, Splash Lubricated Air Compressor Pump
- Multi-finned Cylinders
- Intergral Cylinder Head
- Intercoolers for Cooling between Stages
- Reliable High Flow Disc Valves
- Oversized Main Bearings
- Balanced Crankshaft
- Oil Level Site Glass
- Centrifugal Unloader for Loadless Starting
- 0-300 PSIG Air Pressure Gauge
- Bucket High Drain Valve
- Factory Fill with ChampLub Lubricants
- ASME Code Air Receiver
- OSHA Approved Belt Guard
It is always a
good idea to check with manufacturer for any changes from machine advertised
to current generation machines.
This item can be picked up in
Illinois or shipped for an additional fee by
a freight company. Shipping is not the $6.50 default on the order page.
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phone: 330-405-9421
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Used Cassese CS939 CS999 Double Miter Saw with Auto Quickstop and Barcode System,
Used ITW AMP VN4L+MP Memory Programmable VN4-E3L V-Nail V-Nailer Frame Assembly Machine,
Used MiterNailer StepMaster Memory Programmable Nailer V-Nail V-Nailer Frame Assembly Machine,
Used Brevetti Prisma CE Maxi Double Miter Saw, Used Brevetti Prisma CE Maxi Double Miter Saw for Sale,
Used Dehnco Automatic Sheeter Feeder Cutter Machine, Used Dehnco Automatic Art Canvas Cutter Cutting Machine,
Craigslist Ebay Brevetti Saw Manuals Manual, Brevetti Saw Demonstration Video Demo Videos Pictures Photos,
Used Champion Advantage VR5-8 Air Compressor, Used 5 HP 80 Gallon Commercial Industrial Air Compressor,
Used Picture Framing Equipment for Sale, Brevetti Prisma CE Maxi, Pre-Owned Used Brevetti Breveti Maxi Frame Mitre Saw to Cut Moulding Frames for Frame Shops Art Galleries,
Framing Tools, Used Parts Part, Buy Used Framing Frame Shop Equipment Store, Selling Sell Your Framing Equipment, Buy Used Framing Equipment,
Discount Framing Equipment, AIM Enterprises Inc Dealer Distributor Supplier of Used Framing Equipment